Senior Center News – January 14, 2021
For more expanded descriptions, as well as additional courses and talks, please visit
For more expanded descriptions, as well as additional courses and talks, please visit
Have patience—but stay as mentally and physically active as you can: Participate in a course, attend a Wednesday talk, take a walk. Here are just some of the offerings for you to consider—in addition to the many other ongoing courses.
Have you noticed that this issue of The Charlotte News has the new CSC Winter Schedule? Once you have a chance to take a look, it may be a little misleading as to what is actually taking place in the Center building these days.
Treating everyone with kindness is a form of thanksgiving. And it can be great fun to perform random acts of kindness—anonymously. Give it a try!
Have you been looking in vain for the Winter Schedule insert that was supposed to be in this issue?
The Winter Schedule, which covers December, January and February, will be an insert in this paper on 11/25, posted on the website on 12/1, and mailed out the first week in December. Thankfully, despite the restrictions and being all online, it is still quite full.
The two Better Balance courses that Dee PT has presented have been very enthusiastically received. It is exciting that more than 30 people signed up for each of them—an expanded class size is definitely one of the advantages of Zooming.
Outdoor activities are quickly drawing to a close—unless you like skiing and snow shoeing. For many of us, however, those pastimes are past times. Still, there is much to appreciate about being here, and as one poem today suggested: Hug a tree. This could become popular now.
People are continuing to stay active—either with outdoor activities or with online classes—and there are a lot to choose from. If you are hesitant about going online, please call and leave a message at 425-6345, and we will have someone call you back to provide assistance with Zoom.
The Senior Center building remains closed, but things are happening. Those activities that are held outdoors, namely Kayaking for Women and Birding Expeditions, have started up again.
It is sad to say that the Senior Center building remains closed, but it’s exciting to note that activities held outdoors can take place. The online Zoom courses will continue to be offered going forward.
Still no news from the State of Vermont at this time. Senior centers around this state—and New England—continue to wait to learn when they can re-open, what activities will be allowed, and what the maximum number of participants permitted inside will be. The state has declared that those in the over-65 age category warrant special consideration—so, do not be confused by what is allowed for the general population.
One of the synonyms for “miraculous” is “incredible.” And so, it is miraculous—cum incredible—how gracefully our instructors at the Senior Center have pivoted to the online Zoom format for their classes during the quarantine.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so…
CVU class of 2020, as your class advisor I know this is not how you expected to finish the final leg of your senior year in your high school journey, in your lifelong journey. This was to be our year, and, with fingers crossed, we were going to make it the best. Ever.
As you can see, the Spring Schedule is not inserted in this issue of this paper as promised last time. The following Charlotte News issue of 3/5 will include the Spring Schedule which covers March, April and May. In addition, on 3/1, it will be posted on our website:
We all know that exercise is good for us, and if you’re like most people, you’ve probably made a New Year’s resolution to do more of it. Unfortunately, this is one of the most challenging resolutions for most of us to keep.
Since it is now 2020, this brings to mind eye and vision testing. But aside from the more mundane meanings of eyesight and observation, vision has such wonderful synonyms: imagination, creativity, insight, awareness, discernment, foresight, etc. While there are physical ways to correct eyesight, perhaps the best way to improve (non-physical) vision is practice – just like stretching your body. It’s something to think about.
A snowfall is easier: It’s magical. It’s silent and peaceful. It makes the ordinary beautiful. Just set aside worries about walking or driving and bask in the otherworldliness that lands at our feet in “a fortunate stroke of serendipity.”
Yes, we are deep into the December night—and getting up before the sun has never been one of my favorite things to do. But I keep reminding myself that the Winter Solstice is getting closer and closer. And then, just as winter really begins, we get back into lengthening days. In the meantime, I manage the dark mornings with a strand of those tiny, multi-colored Christmas tree lights around my kitchen window—until March.
“I find I think of myself not as a writer so much as someone who provides a gateway, a…