Merrymac Farm Sanctuary keeps its barn door open
Charlotte’s Merrymac Farm Sanctuary is a safe haven for goats, horses, rabbits, cows, ducks, chickens, turkeys, sheep, pigs, donkeys…
Hinesburg Garage stormwater treatment is a great example of what towns can do
Upon discovering the Hinesburg Garage was planning on completing a site redevelopment to upgrade facilities for…
Around town
to Whitney and Eric Finley of Charlotte, owners of the Old Brick Store. Whitney gave birth…
CVU students offer thoughtful, passionate response to Parkland shooting
Six students at Champlain Valley Union District High School (and one who weighed-in via email) gathered…
Hinesburg Artist Series 22nd Concert
The Hinesburg Artist Series 22nd annual concert will feature the South County Chorus, Hinesburg Artist Series…
Lillian Kennedy paintings on display
A Brush with Nature’ by Lillian Kennedy will be on display at All Souls Interfaith Gathering…
Into the woods – Resilience
When trying to manage for healthy forests, you must first consider how to gauge forest health…
Remembering Bid Spear
On the morning of March 2, Helena Spear warmly welcomed me into her home to talk…
Food shelf news
The Charlotte Food Shelf is partnering with Salvation Farms to bring more local vegetables to our…