Backyard Sugaring – Rookie year in the sugar shack

Backyard Sugaring – Rookie year in the sugar shack

From the dark mists it was oozing, in a long steady thread of sweetness, finally. Two days after beginning the fires at my homemade arch and a week after drilling my first taps, maple syrup had arrived from my own maple trees surrounding my home. The idea was simple enough: make a gallon of syrup this year, at home. The devil, it turns out, is in the execution. But having good friends and family along for the ride makes for a memorable effort.

Thanks for the generators

Thanks for the generators

I wish to thank the voters and citizens of Charlotte who voted at Town Meeting to approve the funds to install emergency generators at the Senior Center and the Town Office. As Selectman Fritz Tegatz and others explained at Town Meeting, two generators allow the Senior Center to function as a community resource center and warming shelter during times when storms take out the power. The installation of the generator at the Town Offices provides power so that the town’s administration functions can continue, and it ensures that the septic system pumps that serve the Senior Center, the fire station and the Town Offices will function when the power is out. This investment in emergency power gives our town administrators, town clerks and emergency service providers the capability to better serve Charlotte residents should we experience an extended power outage. Given the recent pattern of extreme weather events, this investment is prudent and timely. 

Coming soon to your neighborhood: Spring!

Coming soon to your neighborhood: Spring!

The natural world is awakening. March entries from my garden journal prepare me for the vicissitudes of the month, when lions and lambs interact frequently. From 1998: Snow cover generally gone since early February. Huge snowstorm on March 22. In 2001: Town Meeting Day Storm cancels Town Meeting and dumps 30 inches of snow on Burlington, fourth greatest snowfall on record. Also three snowstorms after March 25!

Vaping and Juuling: A youthful rite of passage or a camel’s nose through the tent flap?

Vaping and Juuling: A youthful rite of passage or a camel’s nose through the tent flap?

Perhaps you saw the headline in the January 24 issue of The Charlotte News: “CVU responds to recent drug-related issues.” The story shed light on growing concerns among educators and policymakers about the appearance of vaping and juuling in schools. Are these part of some new dance or fashion craze? What does this have to do with drugs in our schools?

Senior Center News

Senior Center News

CVSD 2018-2019 budget information session – Members of the Champlain Valley School District school board will be at the Center on Thursday, Feb.15, 11:00 a.m. to explain the details of and answer questions about the district school budget that we will vote on in March. This will be an informal meeting in the café.

Charlotte Library News

Charlotte Library News

Share the Love.  – “Book talk” is a favorite part of library work, offering recommendations and learning about new titles from library friends and patrons. We welcome suggestions for new book purchases. Drop us an email or leave a message at the circulation desk.

Timing is everything when listing your home for sale

Timing is everything when listing your home for sale

As one of the top listing agents for the Charlotte real estate market, a common question I hear from home owners at this time of year is “Is this is a good time to sell?” The general impression is that more houses sell in the spring, when the grass is green and flowers are in bloom.

Senior Center News

Senior Center News

Wednesday After-lunch Programs Programs scheduled for Wednesday after lunch begin at 1 p.m. and showcase the many interests of our community. Drop in to share the travels and experiences of our presenters—no need to register.

OutTakes: An independent Vermont! Who would have thunk it?

Fifty years ago Buffalo Springfield said something was happening here and asked everyone to look at what was going down. What did they find? 
They found something close to today’s climate in Vermont where the scent of revolution is in the air. Secession may well have returned to people’s minds. Vermonters may be considering becoming the Switzerland of North America. 



From oceans, lakes (“great” and “pretty good”) to rivers, ponds, creeks, icecaps, glaciers and, yes, the human body itself, water is a central element in our planet’s structure and function. We don’t always appreciate how much of a role water plays in our existence, and it has taken warming trends in the atmosphere to jolt us awake.

Building computer literacy

Building computer literacy

Storage – The part in your computer that holds all your storage/all your files is either a hard disk drive (HDD) or a solid state drive (SSD). HDDs are also known as spinning mechanical Hard Drives. They have moving parts that consist of metal platters (the platter looks similar to a CD/DVD). If the moving parts should touch each other or rattle around (think about every time you move your laptop from one place to another) you can get data loss.  

Charlotte Library News

Charlotte Library News

Traveling for the holidays? We’ve got a new batch of audiobooks for all members of the family. Or try the new LIBBY app for your phone or device. If you’ve been frustrated with Overdrive, check out LIBBY for one-click to reading and listening. For help getting started, drop in during Tech Help Thursdays from 2 to 4 p.m. or drop a line to our tech librarian, Susanna Kahn: [email protected].

Senior Center News

Senior Center News

Popular, ongoing programs at the Senior Center range from duplicate bridge on Mondays from 12:30 to 4 p.m., to Mah Jong on Tuesdays from 12:45 to 4 p.m., Spanish Conversation on Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to noon and Strength Maintenance on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 11 a.m. to noon.