Celebrate the close of Earth Month at the Charlotte Library
As Earth Month comes to a close, the Earth Month coalition has planned a celebration for 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Saturday, April 27, at the Charlotte Library.
As Earth Month comes to a close, the Earth Month coalition has planned a celebration for 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Saturday, April 27, at the Charlotte Library.
Through the month of April, participants are being encouraged to swap seeds, plant trees, repair things, count frogs and promote pollinators among other things.
There are all sorts of activities during April to celebrate Earth Month in Charlotte.
Earth Month Ecochallenge, running from April 1-30, is a program focused on environmental and social engagement. During this month, you’re invited to select actions that resonate with your values, committing to them for 30 days to foster and reinforce positive habits.
At the Dog Communication presentation this Monday, March 11, at 5:30 p.m. you can learn the answer to questions like: Is a yawn always just a yawn? Why does a dog shake off even when it is not wet? Why is a growl a good thing? Is a tail wag always friendly?
The library is the perfect place to find activities for winter vacation week. Besides opportunities to embroider, watch birds, build LEGO machines and more, the library hopes to help kids enjoy the snow with its Library of Things. Child-sized snowshoes (up to 90 pounds) are available for a one-week check out.
The library and the Charlotte Grange are sponsoring Candidates Night at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 13.
Thanks to all the Charlotte folks who attended the community forum on Jan. 18. It was an informative and lively conversation.
Around 55 people showed up at the Charlotte Senior Center to discuss how they would like the library to develop and its role in the community, but much of the conversation was about issues the library can’t do much about — like sidewalks.
Join fellow Charlotters at the library 6:30-8 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 18 for informal, small-group discussions to share ideas for the library’s future and role in the community.
The library staff hopes residents will join them for a follow-up forum on the strategic planning survey on Thursday, Jan. 18, 6:30 p.m. to discuss how the library can serve the needs of our community.
The library’s annual Mitten Tree will go up this week and the staff welcomes donations of cold-weather accessories to adorn the tree.
The Charlotte Library is planning for the future and needs your input to better understand how to serve the needs of the community.
Stick Season is here. Vermonters joke about having more than four seasons. Stick season is one of those seasons.
Looking for something Halloweeny to do? Seasonal festive fun comes to the library on Saturday, Oct. 28, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
We are so grateful to the Friends of the Charlotte Library for the support they provide.
Getting into the Charlotte Library has gotten even easier.
September is a busy month at the library. Library card sign-up and emergency preparedness are two reasons why.
Since 1987, Library Card Sign-up Month has been held each September to mark the beginning of the school year. During the month, the American Library Association and libraries unite in a national effort to ensure every child signs up for their own library card.
Journalist and author Anjan Sundaram, who has worked with selectboard member Lewis Mudge in Africa, will speak at the Charlotte Library at noon on this Sunday about his experiences in Central African Republic.