Reminder: Property taxes due

Reminder: Property taxes due

Another reminder for you all, Charlotte property taxes are due Wednesday, Nov. 15. Checks or cash only, no credit cards. Postmarked by the 15th is accepted as timely payment. If the office is closed, you can use the mail slot by the front door to drop off your tax payment; there is a lockbox on the other side.

New England Clean Power Link to begin construction next year

New England Clean Power Link to begin construction next year

The New England Clean Power Link is a 1,000-megawatt electric transmission line slated to carry electricity produced from hydroelectric dams in Canada and wind turbines in New York to southern New England utilities via Lake Champlain, passing by Charlotte’s shores on the way. This project is backed by Gov. Phil Scott. It’s been reported that it could bring the state about $7.5 million annually for the next 40 years, partly through new jobs and tax revenue. The 154-mile underwater and underground transmission line is a $1.2 billion project.

Farm Series: Paradiso Farm

Farm Series: Paradiso Farm

A degree in agronomy and horticulture, with a concentration in golf course management, led Steve Colangeli, now owner of Paradiso Farm in Charlotte, to manage high-end golf courses in Connecticut right out of school. By his mid-20’s it was time for a change. Vermont beckoned; Steve had friends here and had often come for winter skiing. 

Charlotte Repair Café set for Nov. 11

Charlotte Repair Café set for Nov. 11

If you are anything like me you have some things around your home that are no longer functional but you can’t bear to part with them. Perhaps you have a favorite sweater with a few too many holes or a toaster or other appliance with a frayed electric cord or a bicycle with dysfunctional brakes. Do you hate the idea of sending these items to the landfill and don’t have the time to research who can fix them? Transition Town Charlotte has a solution for you! On Saturday, Nov. 11, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Charlotte Congregational Church there will be a “Repair Café”—an opportunity for community volunteer fixers to come together and help those of us with things to fix.

Trails talk: Part 4 – Small towns and community trails

Trails talk: Part 4 – Small towns and community trails

Some key challenges facing many rural American communities today are strengthening and diversifying the economy and attracting the next generations to live in these communities. To address these challenges, small towns across the country are creating bike/pedestrian trails to promote local, healthy, environmentally friendly community living.