Rotary supports local Scouts and Cubs
For many years the Charlotte Shelburne Rotary Club has supported the programs of Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts in our towns. At its January 11 meeting the club welcomed representatives of local scouting, heard reports of the year’s accomplishments and renewed its support with financial contributions and promises of future cooperation.
David Buley from Shelburne, pack committee chair of Shelburne Cub Scout Pack 607, described the successful growth in the size of the pack, from about a dozen a few years ago to more than 30 this year, and its success in reaching out to welcome boys from Charlotte to be part of the pack. A highlight of their year was camping and hiking programs, as well as a very successful popcorn sale that raises funds for their programs and ensures that boys who could not otherwise afford the fees or the summer camp costs can participate.
Norman Smith from Hinesburg, currently the scoutmaster for the Hinesburg and Shelburne Scout troops, thanked Rotary for its support, and Eagle Scout Andrew Gay from Charlotte outlined the year of hiking, camping, community service projects and Christmas tree sales that have kept the local Scouts busy and engaged. Andrew also reported that an amazing 15 Scouts have earned their Eagle Scout classification, completing projects in their communities that developed their personal leadership skills and met community needs, including a new bike rack at Charlotte Town Hall.