About Charlotte:

Charlotte, Vermont, offers an attractive demographic profile for advertisers — a well-educated, affluent population and a high percentage of households with children.

Charlotte has an average household income of $123,783, the highest of any Vermont community.

Our community is made up of a desirable representation of all generations.

Residents ages 29 and under: 25%
Residents ages 30-64: 54%
Residents 65 years and older: 20%
43% of Charlotte households have children under 18.

Charlotte has a high home ownership rate, which indicates our readers are invested in their community, and that Charlotte is an attractive market for home improvement and luxury home goods.

Charlotte’s demographic profile offers excellent opportunities for advertisers targeting consumers with interests in family and outdoor activities, and high-end products and services.

Sources: Vermont-demographics, Wikipedia, Census Reporter, Data Census, Point2homes, Nellsberg.

Charlotte residents support The Charlotte News and our advertisers.

Interested in Advertising in The Charlotte News?

Contact Susie Therrien at (802) 425-4949 or via email.

Sample website ads

Below are examples of simple but effective web banners for use on our website:

  • 300 x 250 px ads will populate on every page in the sidebar on our website.
  • 728 x 90 px horizontal “leaderboard” ads will populate above every article’s headline.