Letter to the Editor – October 22, 2021
Town vote should decide DRB debate
At the October 18 special selectboard meeting Matt Krasnow unveiled a resolution that would adopt a Development Review Board (DRB) immediately at the meeting.
That’s right. No citizens vote on a DRB at town meeting. Done deal.
The selectboard is going to vote on the DRB resolution at their next meeting on Monday Oct 25th. They are falling all over themselves to approve it ASAP. This train has left the station.
So why the rush ? What’s going on here ? A town vote in support of a DRB would validate the selectboard’s good judgment and stewardship on this issue.
But the selectboard knows that it would be voted down because we Charlotte citizens sense that a DRB is a fancy solution to a nonexistent problem.
So, please convince us that a DRB is good for us.
Respect our judgment.
Let us vote.
Stuart Bennett