Sadie Devoid gifted dictionary from Charlotte Grange
Sadie Devoid makes good use of the dictionary she received this spring through the Grange’s program called Words for Thirds. It is a long-standing tradition for Charlotte Grange to gift an age-appropriate dictionary to each third grader at CCS.
Sadie is the daughter of Katie and Scott Devoid, who say she is an avid reader and has always loved books. Asked what she likes about her new dictionary, Sadie said, “I can turn to a random page, pick random words, and look at the meanings. Most of the words I already know, but not all of them!” She also mentioned that before the dictionary, when she didn’t know what a new word meant, she had to find a person to ask. And now she can look it up herself. She likes that.
Stay curious, Sadie, and keep reading!