News from the Charlotte Grange


Stuart Robinson, son of Grange member Cindi Robinson, made the Little Free Library for his Eagle Scout project.Photo by Cindi Robinson
Stuart Robinson, son of Grange member Cindi Robinson, made the Little Free Library for his Eagle Scout project. Photo by Cindi Robinson.

We would like to start by publicly thanking all the folks who have generously contributed to our Building Fund. We have a long way to go to cover the cost of the two grants that we’ve been selected to receive, but we are on our way, thanks to each of you.

Frances Foster, Cindi Robinson, Susan Ohanian, Harvey and Elaine Sharrow, Bob Downing, Lisa Crispin, Ted and Anne Castle, Peter and Nancy Richardson, Norman and Dorothy Pellett, Heather Garvey, David Perrin, Trina Bianchi, Dorothy Hill, Jeffrey and Irene Horbar, Eileen Curtis, Marilyn Richardson, Catherine Hughes, Raven Davis, Carol Morris

The Window Project is now underway with Slater Construction; all eight of the windows have been removed and have been prepared so broken panes can be replaced and all the glass re-glazed. Watch for our Grange Newsletter for details. If you would like to receive the Grange Newsletter, email me and I will add you to the list. We try to send out a newsletter once a month, although we’ve been lax this spring due to the lack of activity. At this juncture, there is lots of news that we would love to share with you, along with photos, so send us your email. You can also reach us via snail mail at P.O. Box 54, Charlotte.

Stuart Robinson, 2020 Champlain Valley Union High School graduate and son of Grange member Cindi Robinson, is an Eagle Scout. For his scout project, he decided to create a Little Free Library (LFL) for kids that is now in place on the ramp in front of the Grange Hall. All the books inside have been cleaned and disinfected, and each is in its own plastic bag. Families are encouraged to bring their kids to check out what’s available and can take up to three books. The books are yours to keep and are free. Anyone wanting to donate books to the Little Free Library can contact Cindi. Currently the LFL is contained in a plastic tub, but Stuart has plans in place for a more permanent home for his project. Thank you, Stuart—what a great idea and opportunity for kids to have their own books to read and enjoy. The LFL is open 24/7.

For now, the Grange Hall itself is closed, but we look forward to being open again and presenting fabulous music events for you to enjoy and so you can see the work we’ve been able to accomplish. Thank you again to all who have sent donations toward keeping this beautiful, historic building alive.

If you enjoy The Charlotte News, please consider making a donation. Your gift will help us produce more stories like this. The majority of our budget comes from charitable contributions. Your gift helps sustain The Charlotte News, keeping it a free service for everyone in town. Thank you.

Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors